I love this image of little Cécile storing her coins away. This look back at your first relationship with money is so interesting and makes me think of my own experience (very similar). It really is hard not to over think the opportunity costs, but you did such a good job here showing that there is something beautiful and meaningful on the other side as well!

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Cécile Marion

This is an awesome article, Cecile! Thanks so much for sharing your experience and perception of money on your sabbatical journey. I also did the Fear Setting exercise prior to my sabbatical and my biggest fear was losing a sense of identity. However, I didn't fully define what exactly "identity" meant before I left. After reading your article I have come to realize that part of my identity has been wrapped up in my ability to make money. Similar to your experience, my lack of income has been causing me to become "activated" and anxious. I have enough money saved to sustain me so I am not fearful that I will run out, but rather I feel like I am losing my identity in that I am no longer someone who makes money. Thanks again for sharing this article. It has helped me reflect on the source of my feelings and fears :)

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I'd love to read an article that shares how you felt throughout the different trips. I'm prompt to work a lot and spend little. So, to me, it is fun to see my mind go from stressed to delighted to stressed as I (1) spend and (2) enjoy what spending brings me.

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I needed to read this today! I appreciate your vulnerability in describing something many of us struggle with. I’m currently battling a couple new fears while I’m on sabbatical so I’m going to use your Tim Ferriss method!! Thank you for sharing this Cécile. ❤️

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Cécile Marion

It's eerie seeing how much of your experience echoed what I felt before I quit my job too! (although instead of a dragon, I visualized a dam of money: https://kzhai.substack.com/p/visualizing-money-pt-5)

Doing a fear-setting was also the tipping point for me (https://kzhai.substack.com/p/004-name-your-fears, coincidentally one of your tweets is in here!). Excited to read more about your experiences!

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